TWIM Receives Best Atheist & Skeptic Site 2009 Award
Posted in Blogosphere on | 1 minute | 2 Comments →I occasionally Google "The Warfare Is Mental" and the following surprise was interesting and ironic: it turns out TWIM is #26 on this site as one of the 61 Best Atheist and Skeptic Sites of 2009.
In what is a welcomed dose of encouragement, TWIM is referred to as a "great site that the [host] enjoy[s] reading," and as a site in which the host has "found some little piece of wisdom or information that inspired" him or her. I always respect someone who realizes one need not be an atheist to be a skeptic or freethinker. Thanks!
MS Quixote
says...Congratulations, cl! That’s quite the recognition…
says...Hey thanks MS. I was happy too..