Common Sense Atheism: Index
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I’ve decided to compose an index of posts I’ve made substantial contributions to at Common Sense Atheism from January 1st, 2010 to the date of this post, 6-11-2010. (NOTE: the index is now current through November 16th, 2010) It is not necessarily meant to be exhaustive, e.g. I omitted threads where I only made a single comment or two. I’ll be updating this list, as well as expanding on key posts where I think certain arguments deserve a closer look, and eventually distilling the best arguments into the homepage.
1. Who Designed The Designer? 1-13-2010
2. Practical Morality 2-23-2010
3. Living Without A Moral Code, part 3 2-26-2010
4. Why We Should Not Torture Children 3-2-2010
5. Homosexual Desire 3-9-2010
6. A Freudian Slip in Newdow vs. Rio Linda? 3-25-2010
7. Living Without A Moral Code, part 4 4-5-2010
8. All the Desires That Exist 4-15-2010
9. The Definition of Morality 4-29-2010
10. Many Atheists Are Hypocrites About Morality 5-9-2010
11. There’s a God for That 5-13-2010
12. Draw Mohammed 5-27-2010
13. 5 Awesome Things About PZ Myers 6-4-2010
14. Noah’s Flood and its Predecessors 6-5-2010
15. Beauty and Naturalism 6-8-2010
16. Dr. Craig and Objective Morality 6-9-2010
17. Criticism of Atheists 6-10-2010
18. Trivial Hobbies 6-17-2010
19. Do Christians REALLY Believe? 7-5-2010
20. The Gulf Oil Spill and Moral Negligence 7-8-2010
21. Gluttony and Superlust 8-5-2010
22. Why Atheists Lose Debates 8-16-2010
23. Common Sense Atheism is: Applying the Golden Rule 8-18-2010
24. New Podcast On Naturalistic Moral Realism 7-31-2010
25. Bigots On Parade 8-26-2010
26. Massimo Pigliucci vs. Julia Galef on the Foundations of Morality 8-30-2010
27. Short List Theories of Morality 9-2-2010
28. James Lee, Atheist Terrorist 9-2-2010
29. Matt Flannagan on the Genocide of the Canaanites 9-3-2010
30. Massimo vs. Julia, Round 2! 9-4-2010
31. The Greatest Objection to Desirism (part 1) 9-10-2010
32. Morality in the Real World 01: Introduction 9-14-2010
33. The Greatest Objection to Desirism (part 2) 9-17-2010
34. Is the Bible Clear on How Someone Can Be Saved? 9-20-2010
35. Morality in the Real World 02: God is Not the Ground for Morality 9-21-2010
36. Evidence For Desirism 9-24-2010
37. Morality in the Real World 03: Alph and Betty on a Distant Planet 9-28-2010
38. LiveBlogging My Deconversion 10-4-2010
39. Morality in the Real World 04: The Scrooge Problem 10-5-2010
40. Sam Harris – The Moral Landscape (review) 10-12-2010
41. Morally Permissible Slavery 10-14-2010
42. In Defense Of Radical Value Pluralism 10-16-2010
43. Morality in the Real World 05: Questions and Answers #1 10-19-2010
44. Craig and Circularity 10-22-2010
45. Theft 10-21-2010
46. Morality in the Real World 06: Alph and Preserving Pandora 10-26-2010
47. Self-Sacrifice 10-28-2010
48. Morality in the Real World 07: Desire Fulfillment Does Not Have Intrinsic Value 11-2-2010
49. Morality in the Real World 08: A Harmony of Desires 11-9-2010
50. Sophistry 11-11-2010
51. Morality in the Real World 09: How to Measure Desires 11-16-2010
Zeb, I’m glad you posted this because I wanted to get a message to you outside of the context of specific discussions on CSA. You make good, insightful contributions to that site, and since I often agree with you I’m glad there is someone else there defending my positions better than I sometimes can. However I don’t think anything of value would be lost if you stopped engaging in personal combat with juvenile snipers. It is sufficient, I think, when you simply say “For personal reasons dating from previous threads, I choose not to engage with [whomever],” and otherwise ignore trollish behavior. I think it’s safe to assume all onlookers will dismiss the trollish behavior and accept your choice of silence in response to seemingly valid questions/challenges from designated commentors. I respect that strategy when you do use it, but when you don’t it just makes sorting out your (and other people’s) important contributions more difficult.
says...Hi Zeb.
Yeah, I had a feeling something like that was coming from somebody with a brain. On the one hand, I fully agree with you. That’s fair enough and something I often question. Because so few people speak up, it makes judging the audience difficult. Yet, on the other hand, I’m thinking “only if it were that simple.”
I don’t necessarily consider this personal combat as much as factual. Personally, I don’t care about these “juvenile snipers” you allude to. At the same time, when they post blatant lies or accusations without evidence I feel the need to challenge those errors on rational grounds. I’ve seen states of affairs where newbies and/or more trolls come along and start swallowing the lies and empty claims. Besides, if even a handful of people were willing to do what you just did, it wouldn’t be an issue. I’d feel like, “Hey, okay.. it’s not just me. Everyone else thinks these guys are fools too.” You know what I mean?
Ultimately, I blame Luke. I really do. Not that I give a damn about blog ratings, but if I had a site with 12.5 million readers a month you can bet your ass I would’ve handled these “juvenile snipers” real quick. Believe me, all Luke would have to do is say something forcefully one time, and I guarantee you at least some of these hecklers would slow their (t)roll. I can’t believe that on his own site, Luke tolerates so much of that which he criticizes in the New Atheists. Hmph.
That so few people are willing to stick up for the truth while praising the ethos of desirism is utter hypocrisy. Here we have some clear-cut cases that deserve group condemnation you’d think would be happening if those participating were objectively applying the moral theory they so loftily espouse.
Still, you’re absolutely right. I’ll widen the scope of my promise to include some more juvenile snipers and really hone in on what we’re all there for. Thanks for sayin’ hey, and I look forward to next week.
says...I think Luke handles trollish behavior quite well, parsing out valid questions and points, ignoring nonsense and ad hominems, and dropping out of dead end conversations. So far I don’t see the need to go the route of censorship or banning – it’s so hard to tell who or what might become worthwhile in time (witness caseywollberg and noen). I respect your choice to set the record straight when people attack you, don’t think it’s necessary beyond the briefest dispassionate mention. Their immature insults and nonsensical criticisms are serve to embarrass the authors in my opinion.
By the way, I agree about desirists, I have yet to see one practice their moral system in the presence (even virtual) of the offender. But if every moral system were judged by the behavior of its proponents, we might all become nihilists. Personally am opting to use praise a little more than I would have if desirism weren’t so conspicuously on the table. So, good posts over the weekend and today. I hope Alonzo provides more of an answer to the 200 P vs 1 ~P question.
says...Thanks, I hope he does, too, but unfortunately it’s a fact that he’s known to bail on discussions right about this point (by this point I mean once tough questions have been uncovered). Though it’s possible he may return to the thread at some point in the future, I offer Luke’s post Draw Mohammed as [tentative] evidence for my claim. I really wish he’d explain his claim that the Greeks were “probably wrong” concerning pederasty, too.
Re trolling, and how Luke handles it, I agree that he ignores trolling [mostly, but I have seen him take bait on at least one occasion], but that’s part of the problem IMO. When a parent refuses to quell in-house fighting between siblings, many would call that parent lazy and condemn them. Like I said, Hermes, for example, has stated that he “likes and respects” Luke [or Alonzo, for that matter]. Therefore, it is a reasonable argument that folks like Hermes and faithlessgod would be more favorable to reproach from Luke or Alonzo, than, say, polymeron, Godless Randall, Thomas Reid, JS Allen or myself.
Generally, I detest banning and censorship. That’s not necessarily what I’m asking for. I’m asking for condemnation, especially when demonstrably deserved. I think both noen and caseywollberg make good points overall. I think noen just gets a bad rap, whereas caseywollberg tries to be condescending and offending.
Apt words.
says...You’re right, Luke could and probably should at least say something once in a while, and some of the people you mentioned would probably take it to heart.