Banned From VoxWorld!

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Big surprise, right? From the Queen of VoxWorld herself:

Well, I have to admit: she’s right. She did tell me what to do, just a few comments prior. In response to my claim that she deletes comments critical of Vox and the blog—and by implication, comments that support my criticism of Vox and the blog—she said,

…and so, what did I do? Why, I did exactly what she asked for! She asked me to back up the “naked” assertion that she filters a significant subset of the comments which criticize Vox Day and Vox Popoli. So I posted this deleted comment from philip—a comment which supported one or more of my criticisms about Vox Day and Vox Popoli—as my first example:

Before the brouhaha between cl and Spacebunny escalated to where cl resigned as judge in the debate I made 2 short posts, one simply affirming agreement with some of cl’s comments and another in response to taylor saying that “cl had insulted everyone on this blog” where I said that was not true in that I wasn’t insulted. I posted those under “philip.” I was fully prepared to be lambasted, ridiculed, cursed or mocked, but I was totally flummoxed to find that they had been just simply EXPUNGED–no 1st warning, no 2nd warning, no reason, no nothing, just “poof.” I note cl’s post that I commented on is still there intact, as is taylor’s. I’ll await your response before I go with what I think is the explanation.

Spacebunny deleted it within seconds! You can probably keep waiting, philip, because something tells me Vox Day would never admit that his wife fights his battles for him. What man would?


  1. Dominic Saltarelli


    I leave for 2 days and come back to this? Damn.

  2. cl


    C’mon Dominic. Knowing my history with controlling, authoritarian bloggers, are you really the least bit surprised?

    At any rate, good luck with the debate, I’m interested in seeing how it plays out, and I’ve got a little something up my sleeve that I hope you’ll be interested in. Email coming shortly.

  3. Nate


    Spacebunny is a tranny.

  4. Witness


    Nate: Spacebunny is a tranny.

    Does it mean tyrant, troll and nanny rolled into one?

  5. Adam


    Spacebunny is, ironically enough, Vox’s blog’s own evidence of how “women ruin everything.”

  6. Hunt


    My theory is that Theo is kind of p whipped by Spacebunny. That’s the trouble with the highly sex-dimorphic couple. The women ofen hold the keys to the entire inner life of the male. A very pathological version a person who believed this is the woman who shot Andy Warhol and who wrote long diatribes against men, saying they’re basically empty shells without the vibrancy of women. Whether you believe in this or not, there’s something significant about not being able to maintain an independent identity of your own. Many men and women relinquish so many life duties to their counterpart, that they essentially can’t exist without them. Again, whether you believe this is good or not is a value judgement. A lot of men simply fade away and die when their women die. Women seem to do a bit better, probably because older women are able to form very strong social bonds with one another, and widower men are pretty much clueless in that regard.

    So it’s a misunderstanding to assume that SB is just wrecking things over at VP. Very likely she is an integral part of Theodore Beale’s online persona.

  7. philip



    Despite 2 inconsequential posts of mine that were unjustly expunged from Voxworld, what you fail to understand is that I have had and still do have an extremely high regard for what Vox has to say. I have faithfully read all of his public commentary for the last couple of years as I find it interesting.

    Vox tendered your name and suggested you would be a good choice as a judge in the debate. After a cursory look at your blog, I found a number of interesting pieces you had written–interesting in that there were some topics I’m interested in, you have some good ideas, you are a good writer and you exhibited at least in some of what I read, rational thought–so I cast my vote for you as judge in the debate.

    Had I known at the time that Vox considered you an ankle biter back in August and had I read some of what you had posted in the “comments” back then, I probably would not have voted for you.

    And as I forced myself to read through the hundreds of comments in various threads subsequent to your resignation, I became more and more embarrassed at not only how you had conducted yourself, but in how painfully myopic and obtuse I thought you had become.

    Now what I think of Spacebunny is really irrelevant, as I haven’t gone to Voxworld to read what is going on in her head. If the truth be known, nothing Spacebunny, as well as 99% of the other posters there, has struck me as that remarkable so as to cause me to remember who they are or what they said and that is for the simple reason I don’t read a lot of the comments.

    Actually I wouldn’t be all that distressed if Spacebunny turned off ALL the comments and left Vox’s commentary in situ.

    “So …and so, what did I do? Why, I did exactly what she asked for! She asked me to back up the “naked” assertion that she filters a significant subset of the comments which criticize Vox Day and Vox Popoli. So I posted this deleted comment from philip—a comment which supported one or more of my criticisms about Vox Day and Vox Popoli”

    So what I am requesting cl, is that you please not use what I posted here as a reason to support your criticism of Vox or Voxworld.

  8. cl



    …what you fail to understand is that I have had and still do have an extremely high regard for what Vox has to say.

    I didn’t “fail to understand” anything. You failed to share that bit of information, which happens to be completely irrelevant to the topic at hand.

    After a cursory look at your blog, I found a number of interesting pieces you had written–interesting in that there were some topics I’m interested in, you have some good ideas, you are a good writer and you exhibited at least in some of what I read, rational thought–so I cast my vote for you as judge in the debate.

    Well. Thank you. I appreciate your compliments and your criticisms. Which leads to…

    Had I known at the time that Vox considered you an ankle biter back in August and had I read some of what you had posted in the “comments” back then, I probably would not have voted for you.

    Something seems amiss. I didn’t even learn of the PZ debate until September 1st, when a friend emailed to tell me I’d been suggested as a potential judge. Vox emailed me a few days later, saying he’d been checking out my blog and that is was “quite good.” In fact, everything seemed gravy until September 10th, when Vox made his Dishonest Atheist post. In the thread, all I did was express intelligent dissent to Vox’s claim that we should treat atheists as lying snakes, then all hell broke loose. So, I don’t think Vox considered me an “anklebiter” until at least mid-September, coincidentally, after I strongly criticized a post he made. FWIW, if I consider somebody an “anklebiter” I don’t take the time to address their arguments. Apparently Vox thinks it’s important to address arguments made by “anklebiters.”

    The real irony is that PZ considers Vox an anklebiter, but that’s besides the point. It’s just funny how things go.

    And as I forced myself to read through the hundreds of comments in various threads subsequent to your resignation, I became more and more embarrassed at not only how you had conducted yourself, but in how painfully myopic and obtuse I thought you had become.

    That’s fine, I don’t expect anyone to agree with or endorse everything I say, or even most of what I say. Since the majority of the criticisms were pure name-calling and ad hominem attacks, I’d be interested in hearing which comments of mine you’re referring to–because so far, I respect what you have to say.

    So what I am requesting cl, is that you please not use what I posted here as a reason to support your criticism of Vox or Voxworld.

    Unfortunately, what you posted here directly supports my criticism of VoxWorld (not Vox), and I’m not going to delete it, if that’s what you’re implying. If you didn’t want to be perceived as having knowledge that supports the claim, “Spacebunny filters a significant subset of the comments which criticize Vox Day and Vox Popoli (or express agreement with those who criticize Vox Day and VoxWorld),” then you shouldn’t have posted a comment that directly supports the claim.

    All that said, I’m glad to make your acquaintance, and I hope you stick around. No hard feelings.

  9. TruthOverfaith


    Stop this asinine bullshit and go back to talking about our precious lord and savior, Jebus.

    And Jesus said, “Praise me, praise me, praise my holy name. And pardon my while I pass a little gas, as I had the cabbage last night.”

    Golly Gee Willikers I make atheists look SO smart! Tee-hee!

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