DBT01: The Official Verdict
Posted in (A)Theist Debate League, DBT01, Debate on | 1 minute | 3 Comments →I can’t stomach the thought of waking up to this mess another day, so I’m making an executive decision: DBT01 is officially over. I’m no longer interested in continuing. Call it a forfeit, call it a loss, call it whatever you want. The judges awarded Round 1 to Peter (they gave him 3 perfect scores). Neither Matt nor Daniel awarded me a full score, so we don’t need to wait for Andrés to post his score. I lose. DBT01 is in the history books.
Peter Hurford
says...In light of this, I’ll make some closing comments on my blog in a bit. Thanks for participating and sorry it ended like this.
says...It’s no big deal, Peter. I felt it was better to end like this than provide more fodder for haters. If you’re interested we can pursue a second debate with equal vigor. Really, it’s no big deal. It’s just another internet debate gone south.
Although, if we do, then let’s make damn sure there’s absolutely zero room for ambiguity regarding the scope of the debate. This time, no behind the scenes emails while we figure it out, either. Let’s put every keystroke in public this time. Maximum transparency. That way everybody, including the audience, is on the exact same page.
If you want to start, I’ll meet you in the DBT02 thread.
Peter Hurford
says...I wrote my response and reflection here at http://www.greatplay.net/essays/cl-peter-debate-the-end-of-a-new-beginning. It contains not only what I think went wrong, but where I see avenues for the second debate.