DBT02: Call For Topics, Judges

Posted in (A)Theist Debate League, DBT02, Debate on  | 1 minute | 10 Comments →

Out with the old, in with the new, right? We have Daniel as one confirmed (Christian) judge, and I’ve sent out a few calls to others (though I fully understand if nobody wants to touch DBT02 with a ten-foot-pole). What, dear audience, are you interested in seeing us debate (and by “us” I mean either Peter Hurford and I, or any other willing party)?


  1. Bret



  2. The mind-brain connection/dualism is a good place to start.
    Or maybe the ‘Hiddenness of God’ arguments.

  3. I second dualism. I’d also like to see some evolution or cosmological debates. However, before you guys start another debate, please exchange plenty of dialogue beforehand and have a clear grasp of where the other stands. That should help the debate process.

  4. Crude


    I’m going to take a different route here and suggest “no debate”.

    Only because your blog has only recently come back, and honest to God – these formal arguments are just overdone. I’ve found your blog to be the most interesting when you simply went from topic to topic, giving your perspective on things and engaging comments and arguments as you prefer, not being locked in to a routine. Not to mention the entire aspect of having judges and scoring is just ridiculously tacky – the best debates I’ve seen (and usually debates suck) never have those. At most there’s some show of hands from the audience at the end.

    Maybe you’re gung-ho for doing a debate, however, and really – do what you want. But I figured I’d give my feedback here.

  5. Well, the debate can really wait. The normal blog posts are far more important.
    Even if this debate with Peter is something like a fiasco (and I really liked it!), there are very things to search and post. The debate can wait some more time.

  6. joseph


    How about something exploring the kind of free will possessed by humans, god and free moral agents?

  7. Ronin


    So, has cl taken another sabbatical?

  8. cl



    I’m interested in debating dualism. I’m not sure whether he knows about it or not, but I have challenged Adam Lee (a.k.a. Ebonmuse) to debate this subject vis-a-vis his essay, A Ghost In The Machine. Since he doesn’t let me comment on his blog, perhaps one of you could go over there and pump it up?


    Ha. I definitely didn’t intend to make debate the dominant focus of the blog. I just kind of went gung-ho for the first debate with Peter because it was fresh, interesting and new. Now that the dust has settled, I’m not nearly as enthusiastic about debates, and am even considering abandoning the book project. Nonetheless, I still want to get a few good debates going, so we’ll see how it goes I guess.


    That’s a great idea, and I’ve already tossed an offer to John D. along those lines. Specifically, I want to debate the so-called problem of heaven. The question, “How can humans have free will in heaven yet not sin” is valid and I think I’ve got a solid answer for it. Or, at least a start. From what I’ve gleaned of your concerns and comments, I’d wager you’d be really interested in such a debate.


    Yeah, I did actually. The changes I made to the blog were more or less complete, but I realized I also need to change my approach to content. There’s going to be a visible shift in the content posted from here on out. Namely, I want to post more things that can edify and encourage believers, as opposed to always getting stuck in the (a)theism rut. It just doesn’t seem that God is being served while I argue about words (cf. 2 Timothy 2:14).

    Is there anything in particular you’d like to hear addressed?

  9. Ronin



    I just look forward to you postings. Your style is different and I find it intriguing. Personally, I think you should stay away from interactions (i.e. Vox, Diamond, etc.) on your blog or theirs that keep you away from putting time into your work (i.e. book, posts, etc.). Not trying to tell you what to do, but I think this is why you burn out and such. Not everyone is going to like your stuff or you, so, just let the chips fall where they may. I mean, it’s your gig, just saying…

  10. cl



    Personally, I think you should stay away from interactions (i.e. Vox, Diamond, etc.) on your blog or theirs that keep you away from putting time into your work (i.e. book, posts, etc.). Not trying to tell you what to do, but I think this is why you burn out and such. Not everyone is going to like your stuff or you, so, just let the chips fall where they may.

    Agreed. I’ve been leaning more and more towards this as the years go by. Although, it’s important to me to show others that atheist arguments can’t hold water, and unfortunately, doing so seems to require at least some degree of interaction. Either way, thanks for the input.

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