Dawkins Fondled As A Boy?

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I did not know that Richard Dawkins was fondled by a “Latin master” when he was 9, but if this “Latin master” was a religious figure, that explains just about everything about Dawkins’ stance on religion. Does anybody know anything else about this?

—Religion’s Real Child Abuse, Free Inquiry, Fall 2002, Vol. 22, No. 4., p. 9.


  1. Crude


    All I recall is, “Figure fondled him, Dawkins didn’t think it was a big deal, figure committed suicide later.”

  2. Karl Grant


    Well, he writes about it in this article:


    Happily I was spared the misfortune of a Roman Catholic upbringing (Anglicanism is a significantly less noxious strain of the virus). Being fondled by the Latin master in the Squash Court was a disagreeable sensation for a nine-year-old, a mixture of embarrassment and skin-crawling revulsion, but it was certainly not in the same league as being led to believe that I, or someone I knew, might go to everlasting fire. As soon as I could wriggle off his knee, I ran to tell my friends and we had a good laugh, our fellowship enhanced by the shared experience of the same sad pedophile. I do not believe that I, or they, suffered lasting, or even temporary damage from this disagreeable physical abuse of power. Given the Latin Master’s eventual suicide, maybe the damage was all on his side.

    And I am pretty sure that had something to do with his stance on religion.

  3. Karl Grant


    On second thought, I think that is the same article you are referring to. It has the same title.

  4. Crude


    By the way, typo in your post. You have Dawkins getting fondled at 19, not 9.

    Though the thought of a 19 year old Dawkins getting fondled by a male latin teacher is hilarious, I admit.

  5. cl



    Good lookin’ out. Fixed it. Yeah, that is hilarious! I must’ve read the original snippet wrong, because I remember thinking to myself, “How does a 19-year-old get fondled by somebody and not do anything about it?”

  6. Crude


    “How does a 19-year-old get fondled by somebody and not do anything about it?”

    Believe it or not, stuff like that happens.

    I remember years ago, among the various Catholic sex abuse charges, there was this one guy. He was on a stage, ranting angrily about how he was abused and molested by a priest, etc.

    Now, of course this isn’t representative of the ephebophilia cases rampant in those cases. But what I recall was a commentator revealed the issue of his case: he was ‘molested’ in his 20s. I think the priest was acting as a counselor and there was a going-on like ‘consensual relationship but technically a violation of trust so he’s part of the lawsuit’.

    So yeah, it happens.

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