Question #3: Can God Be Called Bad?
Posted in Philosophy, Questions, Religion on | 1 minute | 4 Comments →Following along from Question 1 and Question 2, In your opinion, can God be rightfully called “immoral” or “bad” for preferring a universe with compassion over a universe without it?
says...Another good question! You’re on a roll!
Answer: Depends on the details, as well as on who’s making the call, morals wise. Opinions differ. Some people think very bad things are very good things, and vicy versy. Then there’s the difference between moral relativists and absolutists, and what each might mean by good or bad.
Peter Hurford
says...Here, it depends on what moral standard you have in mind with regard to “immoral” or “bad”. I’ve noticed our preferred moral standards don’t overlap.
For me and my preferred moral standard for evaluation, it’s like I said in Question #2.
says...I said, in your opinion…
Ronin you asked:
Prima facie wise, I don’t think we can “rightfully” charge God with being “immoral” or “bad” for preferring a universe that has compassion.