The Time Is Short
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Lately I’ve used the phrase “The time is short” on a few occasions. Crude asks:
…what prompted this? You seem to have had a drastic change in tone recently. Now, if you meant “time is short” in the sense that I can get hit by a car tomorrow, certainly I understand. I don’t think I’m deluded at all, but I do understand the importance of taking this seriously. But I’m getting the impression off you that “time is short” means, “you suddenly think the world is ending within a certain frame of time.” You certainly didn’t have this attitude last week.
It is true that “the time is short” can be applied in the first sense. Even without getting hit by a car, life goes fast. That’s not the meaning impressed on my heart. Please note, though prompted by Crude, this is not written directly to Crude. I don’t know where others stand. It is for each of us to decide whether this applies or not. It is a message for all who have ears.
The easiest way to put this is that the writing is on the wall for those who can read. If one cannot read, ask YHWH for discernment. For me to imply anything about a “certain time frame” would be in direct violation of Scripture which clearly states no man knows the hour (Matt. 24:36). However, the key word there is “certain.” Though none of us knows the hour and it is arrogant sin to pretend otherwise, Messiah gave signs to describe the general climate preceding His return. That’s what I mean when I say “the writing is on the wall.” The responsibility to study and seek is our own. The stage is set. Many pieces are no longer in motion, but in place, just waiting. They will not be held back forever! We must get our hearts clean before YHWH if we wish to escape or stand what’s coming.
How? Spend time on our faces asking the Holy Spirit to identify unconfessed sin, back to youth. Get in the Scriptures. Unplug. Free our minds from mindless entertainment, frivolous social network updates, meaningless games, internet kitsche and addiction to worldly ambition. Break the cycle of “living, eating, drinking, marrying” and generally carrying on as if we will live out our lives comfortably and peacefully on Earth. If you do not have the Spirit in you, open the door. Like I realized of myself lately, many of us who profess to believe are lukewarm and in danger of assenting to the strong delusion that’s coming, and has in fact already come. Of those, Messiah will spit out (Rev. 3:16). Value quietness daily. Give all things at least a few minutes’ of thought before replying. The double-minded receive nothing (James 1:7).
In particular to believing bloggers: don’t fall captive to philosophy and worldly wisdom (Col. 2:8). I’m not saying don’t use philosophy or worldly wisdom as Spirit-led tools to win souls. Contrary. The key word is captive. See also Ephesians 5:15. Spread the word, but know when to shake the dust. If it is not Spirit-led, don’t do it. If it is flesh-driven, don’t do it. If there is any doubt, ask. YHWH is not far and away that we can’t hear. If we have the Spirit, we can hear—if we ask honestly and faithfully. That applies to atheists, too. You don’t have to have “positive belief” that YHWH exists in order to make an honest, faithful prayer. All you need to believe is that if YHWH exists, you will be heard if you ask honestly and faithfully. Atheists and skeptics: don’t badger believing bloggers thinking they can make YHWH real to you! Go straight to the source and ask.
As far as what prompted this, well… I don’t usually discuss personal things much on the blog, but this calls for an exception. In short, my sin had run too deep too long and YHWH used a series of adverse circumstances to utterly break me down. My steady income was completely and suddenly revoked in February. I’ve had intensifying heart issues all year long: arrhythmia, palpitations, weird “whisps” of breath and general, uncomfortable tightness. I had extreme anxiety and panic attacks for a month (do an etymology on the word “panic” for some interesting fodder). Anyone who knows me personally knows that this is not standard for me. I’ve always enjoyed great health and a more-or-less “happy go lucky” attitude. Though these things had been intensifying slowly for a fear years, that all changed on February 6 (the day another ritual was performed right in front of our faces). After that they intensified drastically.
As for the change in tone, well… like I said, I allowed anger and hatred in! I was one of the ones described in Messiah’s prophecies concerning the end of the age in Matthew 24:12. He said:
…because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.
That’s what prompted this. I allowed anger and hatred into my spirit, and my heart had become hard as stone, despite the doctors who could detect no physical symptoms whatsoever. I was living like a Pharisee—nay, worse than a Pharisee, as at least they had some semblance of respect for Torah. Once I realized this and began to deal with both external sin and underlying motives, becoming completely sober and reclaiming lost ground, my physical symptoms have come to an immediate and near-complete stop. There is still work to do, but the anxiety and hardness are dissipating, replaced by an increasing sense of clarity and peace, similar to what I felt in my years closest to YHWH. It’s as if I’d been literally blinded for the past 5-6 years, save sporadic insights. Now, coming out, it’s all so clear.
As for atheists, skeptics and “show me a miracle then I’ll believe” types who might be reading this, WORRY, because you will soon see precisely the signs and wonders you claim will bring you to belief. So then, why do I say WORRY, instead of don’t worry? After all, the miraculous signs are exactly what you need to shed your naturalism and believe, right? Well, yeah… but the enemy has great power, too, and he’s been preparing the ground for decades now. Don’t fall for it.
In closing, I can only relay what’s been put on my heart, and that’s what I’ve done. It’s up to the reader to take it or leave it—just like the offer from Messiah. We take it, or leave it (I realize some Calvinists may object but I’m uninterested in that debate today). Nobody ever thinks they’re deluded until they come out of it. That’s exactly the danger of delusion! The good news is that the passage from Matthew continues:
…the one who endures to the end will be saved.
What was the ritual of February 6th?
In regards to your health, I”m saddened and shocked to hear this. Prayers go out today. I’m not interested in a cl free world. ;-)
says...Well, I didn’t know things were that bad for you, cl. I hope things improve soon.
The worry I have is that you’re making it sound like you’re privy to some knowledge about an imminent thing – ‘The Rapture is definitely taking place within the next five years’ – and that’s worrying to me. I mean, we just semi-recently had a thing where some preacher predicted the end of the world, and it came and went. I don’t want you falling into a similar error.
Did you watch the Super Bowl?
Thanks for the prayers, and I understand about being shocked, but don’t be sad. Be glad! These trials knocked sense into me. I feel better, healthier and happier right now than I have all year, for sure. Of course, the future is still uncertain, but, just saying.
C’mon. Did you not notice the caution with which the thoughts were expressed? I specifically avoided that type of error. I attach no length of days to “short” as used in the OP. Like I said, I’m just putting out what’s been put on me. If it speaks to you, great. If not, oh well. Don’t worry about me, I might be a stubborn sinner but I know the Scriptures that pertain to days and times. Just be sure everything’s good with you.
says...Fair enough. If I misread, I misread. Like I said, I picked up on a change of tone, and that confused me. Problem clearly on my end, not yours.
says...What I question is, how could you have misread? From the first paragraph beneath the fold:
You’re a pretty sharp guy. That this apparently didn’t register, well… it just seems odd. Don’t you think?
super bowl, no.
your health, if you’re feeling better, that’s great. i can testify to the healing power of prayer and meditation upon the words of Christ. I’ve been doing a lot of cleaning house in the last 2 years, and I’m in a far better place than I’ve even been in my entire life. In real ways, not just distracting myself with life business.
says...Not really, because what you just quoted can be read in multiple ways. You’re saying you don’t have a ‘specific’ time frame, but it sounds like you have a ‘general’ one – and ‘general’ can mean ‘In the next 5-10 years’ for all I know. Between that and your recently, but not in detail, connecting state programs about payments with revelation, and I think it’s understandable I’d wonder what’s going on – especially given what seems to me to be a noticeable change in tone, recent, that (unless I read you wrong again) you admit to.
You know your thoughts better than I do, absolutely. But it’s not like my question was a shot in the dark here.
Yeah, I definitely felt that vibe the last time I saw you. Cheers that!
That’s a bad paraphrase. Just stick to what I said! I said nobody has a “certain” time frame, but that Messiah gave signs to describe the “general” climate preceding His return. If you agree, and you’re good, then… that should be the end of it. We can get back to criticizing materialism, or whatever.
yeah man, it was a year to that day this last monday. :-)
it doesn’t look like we’re your way anytime soon, so if you have time when you get near us, maybe…?
so, what’s the super bowl deal?
says...Go to YouTube and watch the whole half-time show. I’m not saying there’s a direct connection between that and what happened to me. Just watch it, and listen to what your heart tells you.
i checked out the performance. i’ll email you at the addy i last emailed you at.
Sorry to hear about all your troubles. I hope you are at a better place now. Peace and blessings to you and your family.
With regards to the Super Bowl’s halftime show it’s interesting, because I did not watch the halftime performance as it did not interested me. However, when you mentioned it I watched it. I don’t even know where to begin. The symbolism and rituals are evident. The meanings behind it all is scary, and the fact that many people did not realize what was transpiring is troubling…
Thanks much for the good. As Swindoll once said, “Hard times create dependent people.”
I agree. When I sit back and think of halftime shows even from a few years ago compared to this, it’s beyond evident to me that things are speeding up fast. YHWH will not be mocked forever. Paganism is rampant. Our world leaders even go and worship the likeness of moloch in the woods!
Good to hear from you, by the way. It’d been a while.
says...Thanks! Yeah I know, I still visit your site, though.
I see a lot of Pagan symbolism on music videos and even TV ads.
Yeah, in places like the Bohemian Grove…