Question #9: Could the Laws of Science Be Evolving?
Posted in Philosophy, Questions on | 1 minute | 3 Comments →NOTE: this post was previously titled, “Why Aren’t the Laws of Science Evolving?” I changed the title after I realized that the previous title implies the very assumption being challenged :)
Rupert Sheldrake recently asked this question in his banned TED talk. I think it’s an excellent question that deserves serious inquiry. All observations I’m aware of converge: everything is evolving, except the laws that dictate the evolving! This ties right into the classic Aristotleian delineation: that which moves do so at the behest of something which does not move. Interesting, isn’t it?
says...I suppose that’ll depend upon what you think the ‘laws’ which govern nature are (normative vs. descriptive, etc).
says...No more news, CL?
says...News? You mean blog posts? As in, no more blog posts? I rarely check in here anymore. I almost got inspired to post tonight but… time got sucked up cleaning up spam.