St. John Maximovitch: The Decline of the Patriarchate of Constantinople

Posted in 20th Century Orthodoxy, Church Calendar, Ecumenical Patriarchate, Ecumenism, Fr. Seraphim Rose, Orthodox Word Magazine, Orthodoxy, St. John Maximovitch on  | 1 minute | No Comments →

Below we present the original pages of a report on the autocephalous Churches written in 1938 by St. John Maximovitch and published in Orthodox Word Magazine, 1972. From the translators’ introduction: “The anti-Orthodox career a11d statements of the late Patriarch Athenagoras of sorry memory have been so striking that they have perhaps tended to obscure the fact that the apostasy of this one man was merely the culmination of a long and thorough process of the departure from the Orthodox Faith of an entire Local Orthodox Church. The promise of the new Patriarch Demetrios to ‘follow upon the footsteps of our great Predecessor… in pursuing Christian unity’ and to institute ‘dialogues’ with Islam and other non-Christian religions, while recognizing ‘the holy blessed Pope of Rome Paul VI, the first among equals within the universal Church of Christ’ (Enthronement Address), only confirms this observation and reveals the depths to which the Church of Constantinople has fallen in our own day.” Read More →

Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future: 1983 vs. 2004

Posted in 20th Century Orthodoxy, Fr. Seraphim Rose on  | 1 minute | 2 Comments →

Ever since the inception of the Church, those who oppose certain ideas have been known to create outright forgeries, fraudulent interpolations or subtle omissions to various Patristic documents. Why, especially in the modern technological era where such things are quite easy even for a child, would we expect anything differently? We present below two sample pages from the 1983 and 2004 editions of Fr. Seraphim Rose’s “Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future,” where Fr. Rose’s clear sentiments of support for traditional Orthodox groups have been omitted. We also provide a link to a downloadable PDF of the 1979 edition of the book. Read More →