
Unfortunately I didn’t have a formal catechesis when I first came into Orthodoxy, so I mostly undertook study on my own. Though Orthodoxy is primarily a living, experiential faith, the intellectual side is also important and these books taught me valuable information about various areas of the faith. If you’re interested in purchasing any of them, click or tap the titles. I’ve tried to provide links to Orthodox bookstores and monasteries instead of Amazon wherever possible. Some of these works are also available for free online.


Catechism of the Orthodox Church
by St. Philaret of Moscow, St. John of Kronstadt Press, 96p.

Entering the Orthodox Church: The Catechism and Baptism of Adults
by Metropolitan of Nafpaktos Hierotheos, Birth of the Theotokos Monastery, 200p.

The Law of God
by Archpriest Seraphim Slobodskoy, Holy Trinity Publications, 636p.

The Catechetical Lectures of St. Cyril of Jerusalem
Veritatus Splendor, 696p.

Letters From A Convert
by Marianna Friesel, SJKP, 48p.

Service for the Reception of Converts
OCA, 16p.

Preaching Another Christ
by St. Theophan the Recluse, Orthodox Witness, 52p.

Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy
by Andrew Stephen Damick, Ancient Faith Publishing, 212p.

Missionary Conversations with Protestant Sectarians
by Reverend Kyril Zaits, Holy Trinity Monastery, 48p.

Christianity or the Church
by Archbishop Ilarion, Holy Trinity Monastery, 48p.

Sola Scriptura
by Fr. John Whiteford, Conciliar Press, 48p.

Interpreting Orthodoxy to Western Church Traditions
by N.A. Nissiotis, Light and Life Publishing Company, 48p.


On The Incarnation / Against the Heathen
by St. Athanasius, Paterikon Publications, 174p.

The Mystagogy of the Holy Spirit
by Joseph P. Farrell, Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 116p, available online

Disputations with Pyrrhus
by St. Maximus the Confessor translated by Joseph P. Farrell, STM Press, 128p.

On the Person of Christ: The Christology of Emperor Justinian
translated by Kenneth P. Wesche, SVS Press, 200p.


Orthodox Dogmatic Theology Vol. 1: The Experience of God
by Dumitru Staniloae, Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 280p.

The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church
by Vladimir Lossky, SVS Press, 252p.


Is the Grace of God Present in the Soviet Church?
by I.M. Andreyev, Monastery Press, 98p.

Light From the Christian East: An Introduction to the Orthodox Tradition
by James R. Payton Jr., IVP Academic, 220p.

The Orthodox Church
by Kallistos Ware, Penguin Books, 368p.

New Frontiers: The Orthodox Christian Church Through the Ages Vol. 2
by Sophie Koulomzin, ROCA, 122p.

The Religion of the Russian People
by Pierre Pascal, SVS Press, 130p.

Which Came First: The Church or the New Testament?
by A. James Bernstein, Conciliar Press, 22p.

The Structure and Worship of the Early Church
by Clark Carlton, Holy Trinity Orthodox Mission, 24p.


The Love Chapter
St John Chrysostom, Paraclete Press, 90p.

The Great Canon
by St Andrew of Crete, Holy Trinity Publications, 96p.

On Signs and Miracles
by St Ignatius Brianchaninov, Holy Trinity Monastery, 86p.

Kindling the Divine Spirit
by St. Theophan the Recluse, St. Xenia Skete, 160p.

The Homilies of St. Gregory Palamas
by Christopher Veniamin, St. Tikhon’s Seminary Press, 302p.

An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith
by St. John of Damascus, Veritatus Splendor, 312p.

The First Created Man
by St. Symeon the New Theologian, St. Herman of Alaska, 122p.

The Life of St. John Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco
by Maria Naumenko, SJKP, 32p.

On the Acquisition of the Holy Spirit
by St. Seraphim of Sarov, Pantianos Classics, 24p.

The Joy of the Holy
by Harry M. Boosalis, St. Tikhon’s Monastery Press, 164p.

The Illustrated Sayings of the Holy Fathers
by Monk John Vranos, St. Xenia Skete, 48p.

On Prayer
by St. Theophan the Recluse, SJKP, 16p.

St. Silouan The Athonite
by Archimandrite Sophrony, SVS Press, 504p.

The Teaching of the Holy Fathers on Illness
Nikodemos Orthodox Publication Society, 48p.


Orthodox Study Bible 1,750p.

Romans: An Orthodox Commentary
by Patrick Henry Reardon, SVS Press, 172p.

Revelation: A Liturgical Prophecy
by Patrick Henry Reardon, SVS Press, 114p.

On Earth We’re Just Learning How To Live
by Archpriest Valentin Biryukov, St. Herman’s of Alaska Press, 168p.

Unseen Warfare
edited by Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain, SVS Press, 280p.

The Mountain of Silence
by Kyriacos Markides, Doubleday Publishing, 256p.

Dictionary of Orthodox Intercessions
by Claude Lopez-Ginisty, St. John of Kronstadt Press, 96p.

The Way of the Pilgrim & The Pilgrim Continues His Way
Translated by R.M. French, by Anonymous, SPCK, 264p.

O Full Of Grace Glory to Thee
by Igumen Gregory, New Zadonsk Press, 96p.

The Forgotten Medicine: The Mystery of Repentance
by Archimandrite Seraphim Aleksiev, St. Xenia Skete, 72p.

The Meaning of Suffering / Strife and Reconciliation
by Archimandrite Seraphim Aleksiev, St. Xenia Skete, 112p.

Irenaeus and Orthodox Apologetic Methodology: A Neopatristic Presuppositionalism
by Joshua Schooping, St. Theophan the Recluse Press, 148p.

Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age
by Fr. Seraphim Rose, St. Herman of Alaska Press, 124p.

by Archpriest Boris Molchanoff, 28p.

On Miracles and Signs
by Natalia Challis, Holy Trinity Monastery, 32p.

Akathist to the Mother of God
St. Paisius Orthodox Monastery, 24p.

by J. Richard Ballew, Ancient Faith Publishing, 18p.

Raising Them Right
by St. Theophan the Recluse, Conciliar Press, 76p.

Apostasy and Antichrist
by Holy Trinity Monastery, 46p.

Christian Unity and Ecumenism
OCA, 16p.

Seeds of Heaven and Hell in the Heart
by Igumen Sergius, St. Tikhon’s Monastery, 12p.

Christ and the Church
by Archbishop Gregory Afonsky, SVS Press, 116p.

God’s Revelation to the Human Heart
by Fr. Seraphim Rose, St. Herman’s of Alaska, 52p.

A Commentary of the Divine Liturgy
by Nicholas Cabasilas, SVS Press, 120p.

Ascent to the Summit: The Life and Martyric Death of Fr. Igor Rosin
St. Herman of Alaska Press, 68p.

The Hermitess Photini
by Archimandrite Joachim Spetsieis, St. Anthony’s Greek Orthodox Monastery, 160p.

The Greatest Thing in the World
by Henry Drummond, Spire Books, 60p.

The Struggle for Virtue
by Archbishop Averky (Taushev), Holy Trinity Publications, 142p.

The Great Divide
by Fr. Alexey Young, Nikodemos Orthodox Publication Society, 50p.

Children in the Church Today: An Orthodox Perspective
by Sr. Magdalen, SVS Press, 100p.

Introduction to the Jesus Prayer
by H.R.H. Princess Ileana of Romania, Light and Life Publishing Company, 12p.

Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives: The Life and Teachings of Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica
translated by Ana Smiljanic, St. Hermans of Alaska, 208p.