False Argument #13: Triumph Of Natural Explanations

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[Blogger and The Dark Man author MS Quixote addresses this argument here]

There’s a rhetorically persuasive argument that alleges to confront the argument from design and goes something like this: Time and time again, natural explanations dethrone supernatural explanations for mysterious phenomena, while supernatural explanations never replace natural ones. What exactly do we mean when we use the word “natural?” Taken at face value, natural describes a mental construct with which we frame the phenomena of the physical universe.

In the context of arguing a natural cause for the universe while simultaneously rebutting the argument from design, one blogger explains the argument like this: “The number of times that a once-mysterious phenomenon had a divine or supernatural explanation successfully replaced by a natural one—thousands upon thousands upon thousands. The number of times that a once-mysterious phenomenon had a natural explanation successfully replaced by a divine or supernatural one—zero.” Rhetorically persuasive, isn’t it?

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