Response To DD’s “What Biblical Inerrancy Really Means” Pt. III

Posted in Bible, Religion, Responses, Thinking Critically on  | 6 minutes | 2 Comments →

This is my third response to DD's "What Biblical Inerrancy Really Means."

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Response To DD’s “What Biblical Inerrancy Really Means” Pt. II

Posted in Bible, Religion, Responses, Thinking Critically on  | 8 minutes | 14 Comments →

I've reread DD's arguments a few more times, and I'd like to give them more thorough address, mostly to show why I think they are not justified by a solid foundation of logic, or historical fact. As we noted yesterday, DD's first objection to Jesus' response to the Sadducees as described in Matthew 22 was that,

..Jesus tells the Sadducees that they are wrong because they do not know the Scriptures… then proceeds to “correct” them by declaring that “at the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven”—which is not written anywhere in the Old Testament Scriptures!

In that post, DD also introduced the unsupported claim that,

..the Sadducees believed in the idea that the dead continued to exist as disembodied spirits…

I'd like to stop here and see if perhaps DD's claims contain any assumed premises or historical inaccuracies. I believe they do.

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